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Over the last few months I found myself falling out of love with my business.

Has this ever happened to you?

When I started my coaching business I was so full of passion and inspiration.  I would write and build and engage and grow and coach, I’m a pretty obsessive person, so when I’m in something — I’m in!  

Full speed, full tilt, full heart.

Then a little while ago I integrated my first real love -- video -- into my coaching business, and I was obsessed all over again. Only this time, I was obsessed with building a program to teach other big-hearted, creative entrepreneurs how to make videos so they could gain visibility and get their work out in the world in a bigger way.  I spent 10 years in the film industry and I’m pretty freakin' awesome at building programs, so I thought “Why not?.  And once again I dove in — full speed, full tilt, full heart.  At least at first.

Then I got so caught up in the technical -- video SEO, camera white balance, exposure settings, the rule of thirds, audio mixing, export settings — that I wasn’t connected to the piece my heart fell in love with in the first place.

The speed and tilt remained but the heart part went away.

And I was about to launch!  It’s no secret that launching is freaking HARD — so many moving pieces, so many emails and posts and copy to write, so many webpages to make. Suffice it to say, none of this was rekindling my business love affair.

Then, as so often happens, the universe stepped in in the form of a lovely British woman with a tiny voice and a big heart.  Her fear of video rivalled almost anyone’s I’ve ever seen.  And from that serendipitous encounter the Just Hit Record Challenge was born — and with it my renewed love of video.

If you missed the challenge, I want to share some of the big takeaways — cause they are massive!

We kicked things off with a webinar where I shared the top 5 reasons you need to make video a cornerstone of your business:

Video is the future.

Video increases your visibility.

Video is the key to growing your platform and your ever important "list".

Videos gets your work, ideas & creations out in the world in a bigger way.

Video engages your audience and gets them to Know, Like & Trust you - Fast!

Next, I talked about the immense power video has to connect with people on an emotional level --  I filled them up with all sorts of statistics and facts to back it all up and I even dropped the big secret that I hoped would finally get them to bust past all the thoughts about why they can’t make videos -- to get them to finally Just Hit Record.

Want to know what it is?

Your work, your art, your creations, your ideas — your BRILLIANCE is more important than your BULLSHIT. {Click to Tweet}

It worked. Not only did these ladies hit record — they came back day after day to keep hitting record.  And they came back day after day to celebrate and support the other women as they kept hitting record.  We watched as each woman’s confidence grew, as they became more comfortable and more themselves with each successive video.

And something else happened, something even I wasn’t prepared for -- my brave challengers fell in love with one another.  In five short days they proved my point about video’s power to connect better than any webinar or statistic ever could!  

And not only did I fall in love with these gorgeous souls — I fell back in love with video and with why I wanted to teach it in the first place.  By fully experiencing the magical ability video has to connect us, by watching it first hand time and again over the week — my passion was renewed — full tilt, full speed, full HEART.

This is exactly why I created Create Authentically Brilliant Videos -- to teach big-hearted creatives just like you how to make kick ass videos.  Videos that are professional and beautiful yes -- but even more importantly videos that are filled with all the spectacular brilliance of YOU!  

So you can amp up your visibility, expand your reach, build insanely engaged tribes and make a bigger impact with your (incredibly important) work!

If we were able to build a super engaged community and increase even the most doubtful of the ladies’  confidence in one week — imagine what we can make happen in the full program!

It is my deepest wish to support the work of women desiring to make a difference in the world by teaching them how to get their message out in the world through video in a way that feels genuine.

Women just like you.

Want to launch and grow your business full speed, full tilt, full heart? Click here to learn more about learning to create your own authentically brilliant videos.